Eliminating The Yeast Infection Effectively

How to Effectively Eliminate Yeast Infections

There so many microorganisms living in our body that pose no problems to a healthy person. Things only become messy if one or more of them grow uncontrollably, damaging the peaceful symbiosis. Take candida as an example. While candida can occur anywhere in the body, they only become a problem if the body is unable to control their spread and growth. This leads to yeast infection and complications. Such infections especially happen to those suffering from a compromised immune system due to underlying medical conditions such as diabetes, cancer, Human Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIS) or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), Auto-immune diseases, or those taking strong medications and antibiotics.

Eliminating The Yeast Infection EffectivelyA yeast infection does not only affect the skin —
it can also spread anywhere in the body inside out. For example, it can start from the skin, then penetrate to the bloodstream before it spreads to an internal organ.

In severe cases a yeast infection can be fatal. This is why it is important to get an immediate and accurate diagnosis so that the doctor can determine which treatment should be given to completely eliminate the yeast infection and any possible complications.

The symptoms can either be severe or mild, depending on the extent of the infection or how the body responds to the invader. If your body has a fully functional immune system, the symptoms may not appear at all until the immunity starts to breakdown.

Common Yeast Infection Symptoms for Body Parts

Mouth or Oral Yeast Infection

Eliminating The Yeast Infection EffectivelyYeast infection in the mouth appears as white patches all over, from gums, tongue, inner cheeks, and up to the throat, down to the esophagus.  Below the white fungal patches, the skin is inflamed and reddish with a painful and/or burning sensation. Scraping these patches will remove the fungal attachments, but they will simply grow back until they get treated with the right medication.

Yeast Infection on the Skin

Yeast infection on the skin is very easy to recognize or spot.  The symptoms are hard to ignore because it is going to get itchy for those who have it. The skin is usually inflamed with patches of rashes. With a severe skin yeast infection, painful lesions may appear.

Yeast Infection in the Genitals

A genital yeast infection is one of the most uncomfortable sites for a yeast infection. Like the other examples above, the symptoms of this type of yeast infection can give a very itchy feeling, followed by burning and painful sensations during and after urination. For women, the yeast infection can grow extremely uncomfortable during the menstrual cycle. This can cause a genital discharge with an unpleasant odor especially for women.

The Importance of Proper Diagnosis

Eliminating The Yeast Infection EffectivelyAs mentioned, a yeast infection is hard to point out because it gives obvious and significant symptoms that nobody can bear to ignore. It is important to get the an effective immediate treatment according to the type of yeast infection. The only way that this is possible is if the doctor gives the right diagnosis.

Determining the main cause for the yeast infection is important since sometimes a yeast infection is triggered from an underlying medical condition, usually related to the body’s immune system.  Resolving the main cause of the yeast infection while treating the yeast infection is the best way to keep it from relapsing.

If the yeast infection is triggered by long term medication, such as antibiotics or any other drug, the doctors must determine this so they can change the medication.

Sometimes a hormonal imbalance can trigger a  yeast infection as well. The only thing a person can do is to get a consultation and the right treatment to minimize the symptoms, eliminate the infection, and stop the spread.

There are many simple things you can do to minimize uncomfortable symptoms or even cure the yeast infection, such as eating a type of anti-fungal diet. Just cutting sugar from the daily menu can slow down the spread of yeast infestation to other parts of the body. You can further this process along by eating foods rich in probiotics like yogurt and probiotic drinks. Garlic can also help eliminate the actual infection due to its anti-fungal and anti-viral properties! Using essential oils like tea tree oil, oregano extract (oil), and boric acid can also help in treating the infection. But if the yeast infection is already beyond the simple level, prescription medication will be required to ensure proper treatment.

Causes of Yeast Overgrowth

What causes Yeast Overgrowth?

There are many triggers for yeast to multiply uncontrollably but the most common causes include:

  • Elevated pH level in the body
  • Clothing that traps the natural body heat causing increased moisture
  • Side effects of antibiotic intake (especially third generation antibiotics)
  • Increased glucose levels in the blood
  • Hormonal imbalances due to menopause and/or pubertyWhat causes Yeast Overgrowth?

On the other hand, other factors may trigger yeast overgrowth such as: a weakened immune system from underlying health conditions or diseases including diabetes, cancer, and AIDS, caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). This is why it is important to receive the right diagnosis of the yeast infection, especially if it reoccurs more often than usual.

Also, many medications can also trigger the overgrowth of yeast in the body, especially antibiotics. While these types of medications kill the viruses and bacteria that cause particular ailments, they also may eliminate good bacteria in the body as well, thus, affecting the efficiency of the immune system.

For example, a simple tooth extraction requiring the patient to take antibiotics after the procedure, leads to the elimination of at least 90% of both good and bad bacteria. This will most probably cause yeast to multiply uncontrollably.

Clothing can also trigger yeast overgrowth. The wearing of tight clothing increases moisture on the skin. This combines with the warmth of the body to make it a perfect environment for yeast to multiply. Wearing silk and clothes not cotton based will also increase the temperature and moisture. With infants, diapers not engineered for comfort trap warmth and moisture. Frequent urination of the infants also triggers skin infection, especially yeast overgrowth originating from the dried up acid in the urine.

Mistakenly Cleansing Good Bacteria Away

What causes Yeast Overgrowth?The same bacteria that causes body odor, particularly in the armpit are the types of bacteria that fight off yeast as well.  While it is good to keep the body odorless as part of good personal hygiene, too much cleanliness can also cause harm to the body. Using antiperspirant or deodorants along with acidic soap to cleanse the body, clears the skin surface of helpful bacteria, creating an opportunity for yeast to multiply even faster. The same warning goes for the genital and rectal area. While soaking in a warm, foamy or soapy bath is relaxing after a long day of work, doing this constantly removes away bacteria needed to fight simple infestation on the skin’s surface.

For years, we have been using regular or scented toilet paper to wipe the genitals and rectal area but these, too, can cause the elimination of good bacteria  and welcome yeast, giving them the perfect opportunity to grow uncontrollably.

Be conscious, when cleaning the clothes or the fabrics you use daily because even the cleansing agents may trigger yeast infection or overgrowth. Chemicals in these cleansing agents may remain in the fabric even after rinsing them several times, and the natural heat of the sun can preserve them. This especially applies to fabric cleansers that are scented.

You are what you Eat:  How your Diet affects Yeast Overgrowth

Based on clinical research, yeast grows faster in an environment rich in sugar.  Yeast infection has been observed to be common for those suffering from diabetes or for those people who have a high level of glucose in the blood.  Certain special diets fight yeast overgrowth.  Doctors and nutritionists have worked hand in hand to develop several diet programs, besides those that already exist, in order to fight yeast infection in a natural way.

Most of these diets have less sugar and carbohydrates in them, and the daily carbohydrate requirements of the body come from organic or fresh vegetables and grains. These diet programs are also formulated to strengthen the body’s immune system, which often is the reason why the yeast grows faster.What causes Yeast Overgrowth?

How is Yeast Infection Transmitted?

Although yeast overgrowth is not considered a sexually transmitted disease it can be simply transmitted through skin contact, which usually happens at intimate moments. The spread of yeast infection or candidiasis can be stopped by using condoms or refraining from having sexual intercourse with the partner until the infection has been resolved or eliminated.

It can also be transmitted by sharing clothes, towels, and bed sheets, especially if they are not washed properly.

Boosting The Immune System: Naturally

Boost your Immunity to Treat Yeast Infections

Natural treatments are known to be the best treatments to use when a person is infected with simple cases of yeast infections. The use of natural remedies actually prevents the repeated experience of yeast infections. Experts advise that a person may even continue to take natural remedies to prevent the recurrence of yeast infections. Natural remedies have chemical substances that destroy fungi colonies in the body yet do not cause side effects.

Seek Advice from Professionals

Boosting The Immune System: NaturallyBefore taking any natural remedies, check with your doctor to be sure you are suffering from such a yeast infection. Always consult a medical doctor, subject yourself to the appropriate tests, and ask for alternatives before taking any medications. Doctors consider the signs and symptoms of your infection before giving you medications or treatment methods. In the most severe cases, the doctor may suggest known over-the-counter drugs instead of natural remedies. Any medications and other treatment methods must be able to fight Candida species (the microorganisms responsible for yeast infection) by boosting good bacteria in the body. An increase in good bacteria keeps yeast colonies under control and prevents overgrowth. The immune system maintains equilibrium between the number of good bacteria and that of the yeast colonies. When disequilibrium occurs, overgrown Candida yeast infections.

Natural remedies not only destroy the yeast that the body does not need, but they also prevent the development of candidiasis early on. After many years of research and experimentation, experts have found home remedies that lessen the suffering of people who experience yeast infections. One remedy found to be efficient was buttermilk. A glass of buttermilk before going to bed helps treat yeast infection by boosting good bacteria. Another remedy is yogurt. Taking yogurt on a daily basis also helps treat yeast infection because it contains good bacteria.Boosting The Immune System: Naturally

Home Remedies

Other home remedies found to help in treating yeast infections include vegetables and herbal products such as garlic, coconut oil, and tea tree oil. Garlic possesses strong antifungal and antibacterial properties. Coconut oil and tea tree oil also have antifungal properties and experts highly recommend them.

Despite the good effects of natural remedies, various yeast infections may also require different treatments. Because of this, consult a medical professional before taking any medications and discuss with him or her what treatment to take. Note, that in some cases, the improper misuse of natural remedies may cause harm.

Effective Home Remedies For Yeast Infections

Home Remedies for Yeast Infections

While doctors typically prescribe medications as part of the treatment for yeast infection, this is not really a must unless the condition is already severe. Most, less complicated health problems have been treated by simple home remedies for thousands of years already without further problems at all.

Home Remedies for Yeast InfectionsHome remedies have already proven themselves effective in treating simple health problems.  In fact, most modern medications usually contain natural ingredients such as plants, herbs, and other elements coming from natural sources.  Still it is best to consult a medical expert if you feel something unusual in the body to see if natural treatments or remedies can be utilized.

Sometimes, home natural treatments or remedies work well when administered together with prescribed medications to treat yeast overgrowth in the body. Sufferers from yeast overgrowth may also consider using whatever method they feel most comfortable with. This is no issue, especially if their doctor agrees.

Many natural or home remedies still treat or heal, equally well or better, without the unwanted side effects given by prescribed medications that contain clinically engineered chemicals. Yeast overgrowth in the body often reoccurs, especially for those people who have problems with their immune system. The appearance of yeast infections can be very unpleasant and uncomfortable though they seldom cause major problems to health when kept under control. Also, keep in mind that home remedies are the easiest way to relieve symptoms because they are quick and easy to find in the usual kitchen like boric acid, coconut oil, garlic, and yogurt.


Home Remedies for Yeast InfectionsGarlic is a very common ingredient in daily cooking all over the world.  It contains natural antifungal and antibacterial ingredient that have never failed to promote healing for thousands of years. Studies have shown that eating one to two servings of garlic everyday reduces yeast growth and the uncomfortable effects of yeast overgrowth.  The combining of garlic with tea tree oil can also reduce the spread of yeast, reduce its uncomfortable effects, and even eliminate them.


Natural or unsweetened yogurt contains a high level of good bacteria that are known to promote better health as well to strengthen the digestive system. Eating natural yogurt enhances the immune system as well by improving the performance of the small and large intestine to absorb nutrients and eliminate toxins from the body. You can also apply yogurt directly to the infected area like a regular lotion or topical cream.

The yogurt’s probiotics work as an antiseptic and control the growth of yeast in the area.

Boric Acid

This natural acid has been proven to effectively control and eliminate fungal infections, just like common prescription medications. You can apply boric acid on the skin’s surface just like a lotion or any medicated cream.

Coconut Oil

Home Remedies for Yeast InfectionsCoconut oil has effective antiseptic and antifungal elements as well. Some researches suggest that coconut oil even has the power to enhance the immune system and minimize the growth of yeast in the body. Just like any other essential oils, you can also apply it directly to the skin. Modern medicine has already created supplements in liquid or capsule form.

Most people think that yeast infections can only happen to women. Yet men can also have yeast overgrowth problems. In fact, nobody is immune from yeast infection.

Oregano and Tea Tree Oil

Some people suffering from yeast infections, and who have tried using the home remedies tea tree oil and oregano leave extract, observed great improvements. Oregano leaves contain a very effective and active chemical called carvacol, an enzyme that destroy the yeast components. Tea tree oil contains terpinen-4-ol, which is very effective in stopping several types of infections including yeast problems by acting as an antifungal agent.

Children and Candida

Children and Candida

Even newborn babies have immune systems, only they are not yet fully functional. The mother passes on the immune system during pregnancy. As the baby ages this initial immune system weakens, while the permanent immunity sets in during the breastfeeding period. If breastfeeding is not possible, pediatricians may recommend infant formulas (milk) to replace mother’s milk.

Children and CandidaNormally, if the child’s immune system is well developed, infections are rare but they are still not exempt from developing yeast overgrowth or getting yeast infection. How is this possible? Yeast infection may occur with babies, especially in the lower back areas where diapers usually cover it. If the guardian or parent of the baby does not monitor and change the diaper in a timely fashion, diaper rash may appear.


Candida is a type of yeast that thrives in warm, moist, dark body parts. Infants are commonly the target of yeast infection due to a few factors. They often wear diapers or cloths since they cannot wear underwear yet and because they cannot control urinate yet, the wet diapers or cloth are perfect triggers for yeast infection or yeast overgrowth.

Both men and women can be infected by yeast; women often have yeast overgrowth in the vaginal area, while men often have yeast overgrowth in the groin and the surrounding area. No matter where the yeast infection occurs, it must be treated immediately in order to make sure that the yeast infection does not spread to somewhere else in the body.

If there is a yeast infection in the body, then there is also a chance that yeast overgrowth may also occur anywhere else in the body. This may also be an indication of other health issues, particularly the overall immune system. That is why it is important to get the correct diagnosis of the main cause of the infection aside from simply treating the yeast infection alone. After getting the right diagnosis, the doctor must choose the most appropriate treatment in order to prevent the spread of yeast infection to other body parts such as internal organs.

Ways to Prevent Yeast InfectionChildren and Candida

When it comes to yeast infection as for all other types of diseases, preventive care is way better than the cure, especially for infants. Babies do not have any control of their environment, and that is why it is important to monitor them constantly to ensure that their clothes are clean and dry to prevent accumulation of moisture on the skin.

This advice goes for adults as well; as mentioned, yeast infection does not have any age preference. It can affect anyone, anytime. Do not leave any chance for yeast to infest the body and at any part of the household. Dispose of moist trash properly, sealed and segregated. Personal hygiene is very important as well because candida or yeast infection can easily spread.

Make sure that the skin is toweled and dry after taking a bath or after perspiring. Wash hands thoroughly before and after skin contact. When cleaning or washing clothes, add a few ounces of vinegar to the water to help disinfect the clothes from bacteria, viruses, and yeast. Drying the skin is just as important as drying the clothes after washing, and it is better to dry with the heat of the sun rather than relying on dryers. Cleaning the bed sheets is also important since yeast can also infest dirty and moist filled textiles especially from bedwetting. Make sure that routines for cleanliness are followed. This will diminish the chance that yeast will survive to infest the household or the body.