Solaray Yeast-Cleanse Review

Solaray Yeast-Cleanse is a great product on the market to help cleans and support the balance of healthy bacteria in the body. Candida, or a yeast infection, can cause many uncomfortable symptoms and health issues when these bacteria are unbalanced.

Some of these symptoms include brain fog, exhaustion, fatigue and memory loss. However, the most common symptoms that people experience are vaginal infections, jock itch, athlete’s foot, itchy skin or other digestive disorders. The good news is these symptoms are often reversible with a change in diet and the use of good supplemental treatment.

Solaray Yeast-Cleanse Ingredients

• Vegetable Cellulose Capsule

• Calcium Caprylate

• Magnesium Caprylate

• Grapefruit Seed Extract

• Rice Concentrate

• Garlic

• Licorice Root

• Vegetable Cellulose

• Silica

• Glycerine

Tea Tree Oil

• Fennel Seed

• Zinc Caprylate

• Magnesium Stearate

• Vitamin C

Is This A Good Product For Me?

Solaray Yeast-Cleanse contains a number of dietary ingredients that will help cleanse and detoxify the digestive system and maintain a healthy yeast balance in the intestinal tract which helps support the overall balance of healthy bacteria. Results will vary from person to person, depending on the severity and extent of the yeast imbalance, diet and general lifestyle.

Possible Side Effects

No side effects could be identified for this product. As always, with any medication, supplement or treatment, consult your doctor before use.

Suggested Use

Take three capsules twice daily with a meal or a glass of water.

Solaray Yeast-Cleanse Guarantee

This product does not offer a money-back guarantee.


Internet pricing may vary from website to website. At the time of writing this review this product was found at a price of $16.72 for a bottle of 180 capsules.

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Nutrapathic D-Yeast Supplements Review

Yeast is a very infectious thing that can make your vaginal health worse, and we all know that this is a vital part for women. This is the cause of the everyday stress that we experience along with the bad elements in the surroundings such as pollution and chemicals found in some food.

This is not a good thing to keep, and that’s why there are professionals that do their best to guarantee you wellness for your health, and that’s in the form of D-Yeast Natural treatment that’s provided by Nutrapathic to get you the best out of wellness and health.

Nutrapathic D-Yeast Supplements Ingredients

This is a nice product indeed as its ingredients are known t be good for your need in health. Here are the ingredients that made this product so worthy to take:

  • Carrot Lactobacillus Acidiphilus
  • Lactobacillus Acidiphilus
  • Sodium Caprylate
  • Sesame seeds
  • Garlic
  • L-Glutamic Acid
  • Psyllium Husk
  • Pau D’Arco
  • Guar Gum
  • Aloe Vera Extract

How to Apply

This product is perfect to take 1 – 2 times a day for you to get the best benefits possible.

Possible Side Effects

There are no side effects coming from this product as it’s an all natural one.


This bottle of 90 pieces comes at the price of $14.99.

Nutrapathic D-Yeast Supplements Review Guarantee

There’s no money back guarantee from this product.


This product is said to guarantee you a good way to heal your yeast infections, as well as giving you a good way to prevent it from happening anymore. Expect that the wonders of this product will be so beneficial for you as it will really make you feel a lot better and healthier! However, it seems that the product is out of stock as of now which is why you might have a hard time purchasing it for now.

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Rainbow Light Candida Cleanse Review

Can both traditional and modern science agree with one product? Rainbow Light’s Candida Cleanse is stated to be backed by both qualified herbalists and scientists.

Formulated by the leading doctor Christopher Hobbs, let’s take a look at what this supplement is all about.

What Does Rainbow Light Candida Cleanse Contain?

The Candida Cleanse Targeted Blend of this supplement includes:

  • Black Walnut
  • Berberine Sulfate
  • Pau D’ Arco
  • Garlic Extract
  • Grapefruit Seed Extract

Digestive Blend includes:

  • Ginger
  • Cinnamon
  • Gentian Root
  • Fennel Seed

Other ingredients include:

  • Protease
  • Lipase
  • Cellulase
  • Bladderwrack
  • Stinging Nettle
  • Marshmallow Root
  • Organic Spirulina

The extracts of this supplement have been tested for efficacy, safety and purity. There are over 250 million bioactive probiotics together with plant-source enzymes in this supplement.

Recommended Daily Dosage

You can take 1 tablet one to four times a day. Consult your healthcare practitioner on the right dosage for your condition.

How Much Does It Cost?

A bottle containing 60 capsules costs $23.99. You can get a discounted rate if you buy a bottle of 120 capsules ($43.99) or three bottles of 120 capsules each ($129.97). Basically you’ll be spending around a dollar per day for your maintenance.

What Makes This Product Superb

This supplement is guaranteed 100% natural. It doesn’t have any artificial coloring or flavoring, sweeteners, preservatives, additives, sugar, soy, wheat, gluten, lactose, or yeast.

In Conclusion

Each ingredient in Candida Cleanse are supportive to the overall health of your digestive system. The black walnut in this supplement is extremely potent cleansing your system while the Pau D’ Arco herb helps in inflammatory and immunomodulatory functions of the body. The other ingredients of this product are proven to nourish and protect your digestive system. However, if you have specific problems such as Candidiasis, the supplement cannot fully addressed the concern.

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Whole Body Yeast Balance Enzymatic Review

We took Whole Body Yeast Balance for a review because it is the type of supplement wherein it seems to be a “complete treatment in a box.”

The supplement comes with a kit of three types of oral medication – Fiber Fusion veg capsules, Pearl YB capsules, and Yeast Balance softgels.

What Whole Body Yeast Balance Enzymatic Contains:

  • Fiber Fusion: psyllium husk, oat bran, guar gum seed extract, pectin, and marshmallow
  • Pearls YB: Lactobacillus (acidophilus, rhamnosus, plantarum)
  • Yeast Balance: oregano aerial part oil extract, peppermint leaf oil extract, thyme leaf and stem oil extract, goldenseal root and rhizome extract.

The ingredients in this supplement have been clinically proven to be effective in addressing imbalance in the body’s microflora and promoting overall health.

Recommended Daily Dosage

You have to follow a particular treatment plan and make sure you carefully track your dosage over the week. In taking Fiber Fusion within Days 1 to 5, you should take four capsules at night together with 8 ounces of water. For Days 6 to 10, take four capsules in the morning with eight ounces of water. For Pearls YB, the yeast balancing probiotics in the supplement, take one capsule in the morning and another one at night. After completing the cleanse program, you can continue taking Pearls YB at one capsule per day. As for Yeast Balance, take two softgels per night during Days 1 to 5.


In this kit or box of Whole Body Yeast Balance, you will be getting 40 veg capsules of Fiber Fusion, 10 capsules of Yeast YB, and 10 softgels of Yeast Balance. One box costs $25.95 but you can get deals in Amazon for $15.19.

Before Using The Product…

Take note that if you are pregnant, nursing, under medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician first before taking this supplement.

In Conclusion

As you can see, you would be taking three types of oral medication with this product – the Fiber Fusion, Pearls YB and Yeast Balance. Some might find that they need to take too many capsules per day just to make the most out of its promise of “triple-action internal cleansing system.”

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Botanic Choice Homeopathic Yeast Relief Review

Homeopathy is a 200-year-old form of natural medicine widely practiced in the United States, Europe and Asia. It’s based on the  principle of “like cures like” – just like a vaccination. For example, when someone suffer from allergies, a specific homeopathic formula targets the allergic response. This builds up the body’s natural immune system and returns it to a healthy state.

Botanic Choice homeopathic formulas are made from ingredients that help the body heal itself. Each remedy is safe and effective. Product components are officially mono-graphed in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States.

Specifically, Botanic Choice Homeopathic Yeast Relief Formula provides the following benefits:

  • It eases vaginal burning,
  • It relieves vaginal itching.

This effective blend includes 30X of each of the following:

  • Candida Albicans – This normally-occurring fungus helps manage the overgrowth of yeast.
  • Pulsatilla – Pulsatilla is native to Northern Europe and soothes and comforts.
  • Sepia – From cuttlefish, Sepia supports overall women’s health.
  • Thuja Occidentalis – From the pine family, Thuja relieves aches and pains.

Botanic Choice Homeopathic Yeast Relief Ingredients

Ingredients include:  30x each of Candida Albicans, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Tuja Occidentalis as listed in the description. Specific ingredient amounts are not provided by the product source in the usual metric gram and milligram measurements.


2 tables three times daily.


This product is currently on sale for $6.00 for a 90 tablets (a 15 day supply). The regular price is $12.99. The product can be purchased on line.

Botanic Choice Homeopathic Yeast Relief Guarantee

The product vendor offers a full money back guarantee with the return of any unused product.


 At the current sale price a potential user is not taking a big risk to try this product out with an initial 15 days supply. However once the sale ends and the price goes back to $12.99 the monthly cost of this product will go to nearly $26.00. Looking at the potential long term cost anyone expecting to use this product for more that a few weeks may want to have a health care professional review the product first prior to purchase.

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Zenulife Xbiotic Anti Candida Review

With a myriad of products in the market that promise a quick fix for Candidiasis, how do you determine what is the right solution for your woes?

Candidiasis can cause a lot of problems from the top to the bottom of your body. There are also times wherein some medical formulations only solve one problem and cause more side effects.

We looked for an all-around solution to Candidiasis and took Zenulife’s Xbiotioc Anti Candida for a review.

What Zenulife Xbiotic Anti Candida Contains:

  • Calcium Caprylate
  • Quercetin
  • A herbal formulation of garlic powder, aloe vera, beet root fibre, goldenseal root, thyme, lapacho tea, cinnamon bark, oregano, rosemary leaf and cloves
  • Molybdenum and manganese
  • Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacteria
  • Vitamin B3
  • Glucosamine (NAD) and Zinc

The holistic formulation of this supplement combines powerful ingredients that create a natural healthy balance of yeast in the body.

Recommended Daily Usage

It is advised that you start a higher dosage of this supplement in order to combat yeast infections. Take 1 capsule three times in a day for three weeks. If you see dramatic results in the eradication of Candidiasis, then you can lessen the dosage to 1 – 2 capsules in a day until all of your symptoms are gone. Nutritionists also recommend that even if the infection seems to disappear, you should continue taking the supplements according to the prescribed period to ensure that you are completely healed from the infection or spores.

How Much Does It Cost?

The price of this supplement is currently at $37.00 from its previous price of $49.00. Zenulife also offers a promo that if you buy 2, each bottle would only cost $33.50 (10% savings). If you buy 4, each bottle would only cost you $29.25 (21% savings).

What More Can You Get From This Supplement?

We found this supplement to be a holistic remedy when it comes to other digestive problems. It can be a solution to diarrhea, constipation, indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, reflux, bloated stomach, Celiac disease, ulcerated colitis, diverticulitis, dysbiosis, and recurring infections. It can also help in solving problems such as bad breath, coated tongue, body odor, and thrushes.

In Conclusion

When you are looking for a solution to Candidiasis, look for an all-around formula that would help solve related digestive problems as well. Xbiotic Anti Candida is defintely may be an overall solution to Candidiasis and related symptoms, but it is not evaluated by the US Food and Drug Adminstration.

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Theramedix CDX Yeast Growth Formula Review

Yeast‚ scientifically known as Candida‚ is naturally present in the human body; it’s most prevalent in your digestive tract‚ throat‚ and genitals. Most of the time‚ it’s no cause for concern‚ since it usually doesn’t cause health problems or unpleasant symptoms. In some cases‚ however‚ yeast overgrows and overpopulates‚ resulting in a fungal infection that can remain in one local area or spread throughout your body.

Vaginal yeast infections are fairly common but certainly no fun‚ as they may cause itching‚ burning‚ and a cottage cheese-like discharge that may have a mild odor. Yeast infections can also develop in the mouth‚ where it is referred to as thrush; on male genitals; on the breasts; and even in your bloodstream.

Theramedix’s CDX Yeast Growth Formula may help prevent yeast overgrowth and maintain balance within your body. This formula provides dosages that can help relieve moderate and acute infections‚ as well as prevent infections and maintain normal yeast levels. CDX Yeast Growth Formula Capsules contain two unique blends: Cellulase Thera-blend™ and Protease Thera-blend™.

Theramedix CDX Yeast Growth Formula Ingredients

  • Cellulase Thera – blend – 60000 CU,
  • Protease Thera – 20000 HUT,
  • Other ingredients – vegetarian capsules (cellulose, water).


For moderate symptoms of Candida take 2 capsules 3 times a day at least 1/2 hour before or 2 hours after a meal for 7 days. For acute symptoms: Take 2 capsules 3 times a day at least 1/2 hour before or 2 hours after a meal for 14 days. In extreme cases more time may be needed. The product source does not provide a description of how moderate versus acute versus extreme symptoms are identified. A health care professional may be needed to make this determination.


$36.52 for an 84 capsule container (enough for 14 days if the recommended dosage amount of 6 tablets daily for moderate symptoms is followed). Daily dosage amounts vary depending on symptom severity. The product can be purchased on line without a prescription and includes free shipping.

Theramedix CDX Yeast Growth Formula Guarantee

The product vendor offers a 30 return policy but does not specify if this  policy provides for a full refund. The vendor does not charge a restocking fee. The product source contains a number of customer testimonials and provides a contact phone number for questions or additional information.


This product is not inexpensive, particularly if it needs to be taken for more than 7 days. In view of the product cost and the daily dosage amount a prospective purchaser may want to have a health care professional to review the product and the recommended daily dosage amount prior to purchase.

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YeFense Review

Yefense contains a number of dietary ingredients that will help cleanse and support the overall balance of healthy bacteria. An unhealthy balance often results in a yeast infection, or Candida. Candida is a group of microorganisms that live in your mouth and intestine. Left untreated, Candida will cause these people to suffer many uncomfortable symptoms from exhaustion and fatigue to brain fog and memory loss.

Still more will experience vaginal infections, jock itch, athlete’s foot, itchy skin and other digestive disorders. However, most of these symptoms can be reversed by taking nutritional supplements or altering diets.

YeFense Ingredients

• Lactobacillus Acidophilus

• Lactobacillus Rhamnosus

• Lactobacillus Casei

• Bifidobacterium Bifidum

• Bifidobacterium Lactis

• Bifidobacterium Breve

• Bifidobacterium Longum

• Streptoccus Thermophilus


Is This A Good Product For Me?

Yefense contains a number of dietary ingredients that will help cleanse and detoxify the digestive system and maintain a healthy yeast balance in the intestinal tract which helps support the overall balance of healthy bacteria. Results will vary from person to person, depending on the severity and extent of the yeast imbalance, diet and general lifestyle.

Possible Side Effects?

Side effects may vary. The most common are gas and bloating. These are usually mild and temporary.

Suggested Use

Initially, take 2 capsules twice daily, after breakfast and after dinner until results occur. For maintenance, take 2 capsules once daily after breakfast.

Yefense Guarantee

This product doe offer a 30-day money-back guarantee.


Internet pricing may vary from website to website. At the time of writing this review this product was found at a price of $24.99 for a bottle.

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Pure Essence Labs Candex Review

Candex is a name anybody suffering from vaginal infections is familiar with. Manufactured by Pure Essence Labs, Candex has been in the market for 10 years already and has helped a lot of women cope with Candida. The product has plant-based ingredients which effectively clear out the infection in manner of days, or a week to some.

Pure Essence Labs Candex can be taken both as a daily supplement and treatment for Candida. The dosages vary on a case to case basis, but if taken as a supplement, Candex is safe to administer daily.

Pure Essence Labs Candex Ingredients

The following are the ingredients listed at the label of Candex:

  • Vegetarian Cellulase
  • Vegetarian Hemicellulase
  • Vegetarian Amylase
  • Vegetarian Invertase
  • Vegetarian Glucoamylase

Other ingredients include: vegetable capsule, l-leucine, and microcrystalline cellulose.


First day of taking the supplement – take one capsule. Day 2, 2 capsules. Day 3 and the following days, two capsules, twice daily.

Note that the capsules should be taken between meals accompanied by a clean glass of water.

Those who are on maintenance must take Candex one capsule before going to bed.

For kids, administer half a capsule.

One of the product’s best features is the fact that it is gluten-free and hypoallergenic. Individuals who have these kinds of issues will have no trouble taking Candex.


120 capsules of discounted Pure Essence Labs Candex™ cost &37.60. its original list price is at $59.99.

Pure Essence Labs Candex Guarantee

There is no current money-back guarantee or promos offered on the official website. However, several online retailers do offer the product at a discounted price.


Taking Pure Essence Labs Candex™ may be the best decision a person suffering Candida can do. Its manufacturer, Pure Essence Labs, has been around for quite a long time and with this length of time, it is safe to say that they can be trusted.

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Caprylic Acid Life Link Review

This product is made by a company known as Life link. It is said to be helpful for inhibiting the growth of yeast fungi, particularly yeast-like fungi commonly referred to as Candida Albicans, which is also known to cause yeast infection.

The Life Link formula derives its name from caprylic acid, an 8-carbon fatty acid manufactured in the body and also found in palm oil, coconut oil, butter fat, animal and vegetable sources. To understand how it works, we carried out a little bit of investigation on the uses of and effectiveness of caprylic acid.

Caprylic Acid Life Link Ingredients

• Caprylic acid – Also known as octanoic acid, caprylic acid is a short chain fatty acid that’s manufactured in the body. It is also present in palm oil, coconut oil, milk butter fat and other animal and vegetable sources. It can be helpful for treatment of bacterial infections, slowing down the growth of fungi, destroying cancerous tumors and reducing blood pressure.

Excipients – Life Link has also included a number of inactive substances, usually referred to as excipients, such as –

• Glyceryol, Monostearate is commonly referred to as GMS and is a colorless and odorless organic molecule used as an emulsifier

• Maltodextrin – is a type of polysaccharide used as food additive

• Silicon dioxide is a type of a chemical compound used in food production

• Gelatin – is a type of protein obtained from boiling tendons, ligaments, skin and bones of animals.

• Methocel – Also known as Methyl Cellulose, methocel is used in food processing for its lubrication properties.


The suggested use for Caprylic Acid is 2 tablets twice daily.

Possible Side Effects

There have been reports about stomach problems such as stomach upset being associated with the use of caprylic acid. Inclusion of several processing additives in this product may also cause side effects. Some people have also complained of “die-off” symptoms after taking caprylic acid supplements.

Will It Produce Long-Term Results?

While caprylic acid fatty acid may be effective for killing candida cells, it may not have lasting results as natural antifungal compounds work best in combination. It would have been more effective if it was combined with one or two other antifungal ingredients such as garlic or grapefruit extract.


Each bottle of Life Link’s Caprylic Acid costs $21.48 from the company. Many other retailers sell it at different discounted prices, ranging from as low as $12.60. If you stick to the recommended dose of 4 capsules daily, then each bottle of 100 capsules bottle would take you about 25 days.

Caprylic Acid Life Link Guarantee

The company does not offer money back guarantee. Apart from large ecommerce sellers such as eBay, other retailers are also silent about any form of return or refund policy. As a common rule, product owners or resellers will offer money back guarantee, unless they’re not sure about product quality.

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