Eliminating The Yeast Infection Effectively

How to Effectively Eliminate Yeast Infections

There so many microorganisms living in our body that pose no problems to a healthy person. Things only become messy if one or more of them grow uncontrollably, damaging the peaceful symbiosis. Take candida as an example. While candida can occur anywhere in the body, they only become a problem if the body is unable to control their spread and growth. This leads to yeast infection and complications. Such infections especially happen to those suffering from a compromised immune system due to underlying medical conditions such as diabetes, cancer, Human Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIS) or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), Auto-immune diseases, or those taking strong medications and antibiotics.

Eliminating The Yeast Infection EffectivelyA yeast infection does not only affect the skin —
it can also spread anywhere in the body inside out. For example, it can start from the skin, then penetrate to the bloodstream before it spreads to an internal organ.

In severe cases a yeast infection can be fatal. This is why it is important to get an immediate and accurate diagnosis so that the doctor can determine which treatment should be given to completely eliminate the yeast infection and any possible complications.

The symptoms can either be severe or mild, depending on the extent of the infection or how the body responds to the invader. If your body has a fully functional immune system, the symptoms may not appear at all until the immunity starts to breakdown.

Common Yeast Infection Symptoms for Body Parts

Mouth or Oral Yeast Infection

Eliminating The Yeast Infection EffectivelyYeast infection in the mouth appears as white patches all over, from gums, tongue, inner cheeks, and up to the throat, down to the esophagus.  Below the white fungal patches, the skin is inflamed and reddish with a painful and/or burning sensation. Scraping these patches will remove the fungal attachments, but they will simply grow back until they get treated with the right medication.

Yeast Infection on the Skin

Yeast infection on the skin is very easy to recognize or spot.  The symptoms are hard to ignore because it is going to get itchy for those who have it. The skin is usually inflamed with patches of rashes. With a severe skin yeast infection, painful lesions may appear.

Yeast Infection in the Genitals

A genital yeast infection is one of the most uncomfortable sites for a yeast infection. Like the other examples above, the symptoms of this type of yeast infection can give a very itchy feeling, followed by burning and painful sensations during and after urination. For women, the yeast infection can grow extremely uncomfortable during the menstrual cycle. This can cause a genital discharge with an unpleasant odor especially for women.

The Importance of Proper Diagnosis

Eliminating The Yeast Infection EffectivelyAs mentioned, a yeast infection is hard to point out because it gives obvious and significant symptoms that nobody can bear to ignore. It is important to get the an effective immediate treatment according to the type of yeast infection. The only way that this is possible is if the doctor gives the right diagnosis.

Determining the main cause for the yeast infection is important since sometimes a yeast infection is triggered from an underlying medical condition, usually related to the body’s immune system.  Resolving the main cause of the yeast infection while treating the yeast infection is the best way to keep it from relapsing.

If the yeast infection is triggered by long term medication, such as antibiotics or any other drug, the doctors must determine this so they can change the medication.

Sometimes a hormonal imbalance can trigger a  yeast infection as well. The only thing a person can do is to get a consultation and the right treatment to minimize the symptoms, eliminate the infection, and stop the spread.

There are many simple things you can do to minimize uncomfortable symptoms or even cure the yeast infection, such as eating a type of anti-fungal diet. Just cutting sugar from the daily menu can slow down the spread of yeast infestation to other parts of the body. You can further this process along by eating foods rich in probiotics like yogurt and probiotic drinks. Garlic can also help eliminate the actual infection due to its anti-fungal and anti-viral properties! Using essential oils like tea tree oil, oregano extract (oil), and boric acid can also help in treating the infection. But if the yeast infection is already beyond the simple level, prescription medication will be required to ensure proper treatment.

Natural Treatments For Yeast Infection

Natural Treatments for Yeast Infection

Going for natural remedies in treating yeast infection is truly the better way to go about the problem, provided that the condition is not yet severe. High dosage medications are not really needed as long as the yeast infection is still manageable and if the overall health of the person is still sufficient to recover and combat the yeast overgrowth. Know that a yeast infection is not unusual, and it can happen anytime to anyone even to those who are in perfect health. Still, leaving a yeast infection untreated can make the condition severe and escalate it to a point where any treatment can be difficult.

A yeast infection is caused by a specie of fungi known as candida albicans. This type of fungi usually requires continuous treatments through reactive chemicals or other natural elements that will counteract its growth and spread.

Natural Treatments For Yeast InfectionA yeast infection commonly occurs on the body parts that are usually not exposed to air and sunlight, though it can really grow anywhere in the body. This is the reason why yeast infections are usually seen in vaginal and penal areas, the lower back and anal area, armpits, feet, and all other hidden areas. No matter where the infection happens, consider the effectiveness of natural remedies before going for commercialized medications.

Hygiene is Important

Cleanliness of the body or personal hygiene plays a big role in making sure that yeast does not grow too much and keeps it to an acceptable level in the body. The reason that yeast infections usually happen in areas least exposed to air and warmth of the sun — armpit, penal and vaginal area, anal area and other middle body parts, feet, ears, and mouth — are because these body parts have the most moisture and higher temperatures that favor yeast.

This is why it is advisable to avoid wearing tight clothes, especially during the warm season. Natural fiber or cotton clothes are better because these fabrics can accommodate air circulation.

Never allow the wet suit to dry on the surface of the skin after swimming. Cleanse the body with soap, and dry it thoroughly. The same advice goes after taking a shower — dry all body parts with a clean towel and make sure that there is no moisture left where yeast and bacteria can grow and infest.

Natural Treatments For Yeast InfectionFor women, the use of feminine hygienic wash is very common. Though, this may be good because it cleanses the genital area and prevents odor, it can also eliminate those organisms naturally needed by the body as protection against harmful elements, causing the yeast to grow beyond a normal level. Clean the genital area on a regular basis, at least two or three times a day with natural products or those cleaning agents with a pH level right for the body. Obviously, it is important to wash clothes thoroughly and change towels regularly.

Yeast Overgrowth in The Genital Area

If there is overgrowth of yeast in the genital area, seek medical attention immediately to make sure that the yeast infestation does not spread to other body parts or internally, as well as infect other people.

Remember that yeast can be transferred just be direct skin contact or the sharing of towels or clothes. Use natural remedies to ease uncomfortable symptoms such as itchiness and inflammation of the skin. The best thing is that natural remedies are usually easy to find especially in the kitchen of every household.

Natural Treatments For Yeast InfectionYou can apply simple natural remedies directly to the affected area to neutralize, control, and even eliminate the yeast infection. For example, vinegar is the most common disinfectant agent that can be applied directly to the skin. Vinegar has natural acid strong enough to destroy yeast and all other harmful bacteria. Consuming garlic and oil of oregano also counteracts the yeast infection both externally and internally.  These organic and natural products boost the overall immunity of the body, which makes it easier for the body to control.

Another treatment is natural yogurt, especially unflavored fresh yogurts. This dairy product is very rich in probiotic that can protect the intestines and the entire digestive system by increasing the number of good bacteria, which then destroys the toxins and other harmful elements and organisms in the intestines. As an alternative, taking probiotic supplements or drinks will have the same effect.

Lastly, tea tree oil is a very popular essential oil in the field of natural and organic remedies.  This oil has been playing a big role for thousands of years already especially in oriental culture. In fact, most of the hygienic and cosmetic products in the market today use tea tree oil to promote natural cleansing and disinfection. Mix the oil with warm water and apply it directly on the affected area.  It can be gargled as well if the infection is in the mouth or throat area.

Effective Ways To Get Rid Of The Yeast Infection

How to Get Rid of a Yeast Infection Effectively

While a person can get a yeast infection for many reasons, still yeast occurs naturally in the body. It only becomes a problem if the body is no longer able to moderate its growth, which becomes an infection. Nevertheless, the most common reason why yeast grows uncontrollably is because of poor personal hygiene. In some cases, yeast infection is triggered by weakened immune system due to an underlying medical condition.

How to Get Rid of a Yeast Infection EffectivelyWhatever the reason may be, make sure a doctor gets to check the condition, get the right diagnosis, and the most appropriate treatment. For less complicated yeast infections, home remedies can help without spending too much money for branded prescription medications on the market.

But then again, get an accurate diagnosis in order to determine the extent of the yeast infection, or if there really is a yeast infection before searching the kitchen for the known home remedies.

Personal Hygiene is Priority

Before anything else, practicing good personal hygiene is still the best way to prevent yeast infection anywhere in the body. Not too much, though!  Obsessively cleansing the body strips away important elements or microorganisms that help the body in combating and regulating the existence of yeast.  This is why most doctors recommend cleaning the body regularly with pH balanced cleaning agents like soaps or body wash.  Avoid products that are highly scented since they usually contain high level of chemicals not beneficial to the microorganisms on the skin. Yeast grow quickly in warm, moist, and dark places, and this includes the body parts that receive less sunlight and air circulation. Keep out of tight clothing, and make sure that your body gets enough circulation. Keep your clothes clean. After taking a bath or a swim, immediately take a shower and make sure that the body is dry before changing into thoroughly washed clothes.

Yeast can be spread with skin contact. If anyone in the household is suffering from yeast infection, make sure that all wash their hands thoroughly and avoid skin contact with the infected person as much as possible. Avoid sharing clothes and towels as well.

Eating Yogurt Will Help

How to Get Rid of a Yeast Infection EffectivelyEating good and beneficial food also fights yeast infection. Adding yogurt can help the body internally in treating the yeast infection because it contains probiotics that consume the yeast.

Probiotic drinks are also a good alternative. You can apply yogurt directly on the infected area just like normal creams in order to activate probiotic benefits on the spot.

Boric acid is also a good home remedy for yeast infection, but get a doctor’s recommendation first before using it or taking pills that contain boric acid as part of the treatment. For less complicated yeast infections, anti-fungal creams can eliminate the problem in just a week or two.

For oral yeast infection, personal hygiene also applies.  Make sure that your mouth is clean all the time to minimize the chance of developing yeast infection in the mouth, excluding some problem with the immune system. Eating garlic regularly helps eliminate the infection due to its anti-fungal properties. Baking soda offers the same disinfecting effects. Flush the mouth with basil extract or basil tea or add it to the water when bathing to clean the yeast away as well.

If you have Internet access, browse through some articles and websites about simple yeast infection treatments. You do not have to scan heavy books just to get some information. Almost everything is just a click away. Most of this information is available online, making the entire process of yeast infection treatment faster and more efficient.

Preventive Care Against Candida Infection

Preventing Candida Infection

Keeping the body clean is the simplest, yet effective way to make sure that there is little chance for yeast overgrowth or candida infection. Nevertheless, yeast, fungi, or candida do occur naturally in the body. To some extent, it helps the body in balancing other microorganisms to keep the body healthy. Believe it or not, yeast is part of the overall immune system. Be that as it may, it can also become a problem if the growth becomes uncontrollable, especially when it occurs internally, particularly in the digestive tract.

Yeast infection normally happens when the immune system has been compromised due to an underlying disease or medical condition as well as prolonged intake of strong medications and antibiotics. Keeping a healthy digestive system helps a lot in enhancing the immune system. The digestive tract is the site of nutrient absorption from the food intake and/or supplements.  A balance in the digestive system or the intestine will be able to moderate growth of yeast, provided that it is in perfection condition. Taking anti-fungal medication or simply eating foods rich in anti-fungal properties as well as those less in sugar or glucose can create a good digestive tract.

Watching the Diet and Food Intake

Preventive Care Against Candida InfectionEating too much carbohydrate-rich food like bread and white rice definitely encourages yeast to grow faster. Cutting down on carbohydrates in the daily diet helps control the growth of yeast since they then get starved. You should not necessarily remove carbohydrates from the daily food intake in full, however, because the body also needs it for energy.

Carbohydrates can be derived from other food sources as well like those from vegetables; this yields complex carbohydrates. If this is hard to keep up, minimize the carbohydrate intake instead of making it the main part of each meal. Go for whole grains instead of the usual bread or rice. This helps the body get the right amount of carbohydrates without complementing the yeast.

Carbohydrates are made of starch, and this is converted by the body to sugar or glucose by which the body gets the energy and the food for the yeast. Other food can also make the yeast grow faster and uncontrollably by weakening the digestive system and making it congested. Some of these foods include:

  • Cultured molds (as food additives)
  • Non-organic vinegar
  • Mushrooms
  • Bacon
  • Ham
  • Preserved or Instant food
  • Nuts (dried and roasted)
  • Wine

These are just a few of the foods that can compliment yeast in the body. When the immune system is functioning well, or if the body is free from any medical condition or diseases that weakens it, then these foods are not an inherent problem.  Diseases like Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) caused by Human Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV), Crohn’s Disease, and Rheumatoid Arthritis can weaken such immunity. Nevertheless, it is better to refrain from eating these kinds of food whenever there is a high risk for yeast infection.

Preventive Care Against Candida InfectionWhile some foods should be avoided, others are helpful or beneficial like garlic and yogurt. Garlic has anti-fungal and anti-viral properties that help the overall condition of the immune system. It can directly treat or resolve yeast overgrowth inside of the body.

Eating yogurt as part of the daily diet can also minimize the risk of treating the yeast infection because the lactobacillus of the yogurt consumes the yeast. Taking vitamins A, C, and E, as well as glutamine, iron, selenium, and zinc also helps enhance the immune system.

Consult your Doctor for the Best Treatment

Above all these suggestions, consult a doctor to get the right diagnosis and the best treatment. Getting an accurate diagnosis will help the doctor prescribe and suggest the best treatment possible to eliminate the yeast infection as well as to resolve any underlying causes of the infection. If you are on medication, let the doctor examine your overall condition to make sure that the suggested diet and supplements will not interfere with the effectiveness of preexisting medical treatments or medications.

Treatments for Yeast Infections

Treatments for Yeast Infections

Most yeast infections are caused by the species of microorganism called Candida. While they often require medical attention, more often than not, they do not pose a severe and serious medical threat. Signs and symptoms of yeast infections include oral thrush, rashes in the skin, itchiness in the vaginal area and other inflammations. These symptoms are brought about by the overgrowing of the yeast in the body.

Treatments for Yeast InfectionsMedications used to treat yeast infections are easily available and present in drugstores. Other than over-the-counter drugs, medical doctors may prescribe other medications. When taking a medication, a person with a yeast infection should normally be feeling better in a couple of days.

However, people with yeast infections whose immune system is greatly affected must consult doctors before taking any home remedy. They are the most vulnerable cases, and they pose more health complications that can be more serious and lethal.

Preventing Yeast Infections

Mouth Candidiasis or yeast infections caused by Candida sp. is usually treated with antifungal medications such as nystatin. Nystatin is a chemical ingredient found in products such as Nilstat, Mycostatin, and Bio-Statin. These products are oral mouthwashes. These type of oral medications treat the yeast infection in the mouth. Oftentimes, additional drugs like fluconazole tablets or antifungal lozenges are needed. However, the latter two chemicals are not suitable for kids. Pharmacists recommend that patients who usually experience oral thrush must pay attention to their oral hygiene and dental health, especially for those who wear dentures and braces.

Treatments for Yeast InfectionsTo prevent infection in the mouth and thrush of the mouth, breastfeeding moms should have their breasts tested for the presence of the Candid sp. Likewise, the toys that their children play must always be sterile. Diaper and skin rashes are oftentimes caused by yeast and fungi. With children, mothers must always change the diapers of their babies and keep the infected area as clean and as dry as possible. An over-the-counter drug known as Mycelex Troche can be used to treat mild skin infections. Mycelex Troche contains clotrimazole, a chemical known to reduce skin infections. However, more severe cases of skin yeast infections must be diagnosed and treated by a skilled physician. If necessary, pediatricians may prescribe the use of cream and intravenous drugs.

Treatment for Yeast Infection

Irritation and itching experienced in the vaginal vagina are commonly caused by yeast. To treat this, chemicals with antifungal properties must be used. Products such as Gynazole 1 have an active ingredient called butoconazole that acts as an antifungal. Other products such as Femcare, Mycelex-G, and Gyne-Lotrimin all contain clotimazole, also known to act as an antifungal. To treat vaginal thrush, Monistat 3, 5,Treatments for Yeast Infections and 7, Micon 7, and M-Zole dual packs can be used. Lastly, Monistat 1 and Vagistat 1 both contain tioconazole, an antifungal agent used to treat vaginal thrash. All products and chemicals stated must be applied to the vaginal area for about 7 days. With this treatment, the infection caused by the yeast must subside after a week however, if signs and symptoms of yeast infection persist, consult a medical professional. Pregnant women can risk losing their babies if they take medications without prior consultation of their doctors. Only medical doctors are allowed to prescribe medications. To avoid other severe complications, consult with a medical doctor.

Simple Method To Fight Candidiasis Or Yeast Infection

Ways to Fight Candidiasis or Yeast Infection

There are many types of yeast infection known in medicine, and the one caused by candida is called candidiasis. Candidiasis can appear anywhere in inside the body. A yeast infection may show up in the nails, genital area, rectal area, armpit, ears, or feet, and it can spread to the internal organs if it penetrates the bloodstream.

Candidiases or Yeast Infection in Our Body

Simple Method To Fight Candidiasis Or Yeast InfectionYeast infections most commonly appear on the skin from head to feet. Women commonly get candidiasis because they get hormonal changes more often compared to men. Nevertheless, nobody is really exempt from catching this infection. Genital yeast infection is the second most common type of yeast infection. As mentioned, women are more prone to developing yeast infections due to their complex body structure, specifically their genitals, which provides a perfect environment for candida to thrive.

There are many ways a person can fight against yeast infections, starting with simple anti-fungal medications available in the pharmacy everywhere. But know that yeast infection has a high tendency to reoccur, especially when the immune system of the person is troubled or compromised.

Nevertheless, a yeast infection can be eliminated easily, and there are many simple methods a person can do to naturally treat the yeast infection.

Preventive Care against Candidiasis or Yeast Infection

We must have heard this advise for a lot of times already but drinking at least 8 glasses of water or more everyday will help the body as a whole.  Water can help the body in the process of detoxification and cleansing as it flushes the stored toxins out of the body through urination, perspiration, and bowel.  It can also flush the excessive glucose out of the body which is one of the triggering factors for yeast to grow uncontrollably.

Adding yogurt to the usual menu helps to destroy the yeast infection. Yogurt contains probiotics that moderate the growth of the yeast in the body, especially in the intestine. In the absence of yogurt, probiotic drinks also work. Probiotics consume the yeast, making it hard for candida to survive if they co-exist.  You can apply yogurt directly to the infected area in order to treat the yeast infection with immediate effects.

 Remedies for Candidiasis or Yeast Infection

Simple Method To Fight Candidiasis Or Yeast InfectionAnother natural home remedy helpful in treating yeast infection is apple cider vinegar. Many studies of apple cider vinegar show benefits, especially if consumed daily every morning. According to some experts, apple cider vinegar can help in natural detoxification. It cannot be applied raw to the infected area, due to its acidic characteristic, but it can be added to the water of a warm bath.

Oregano oil is another natural home remedy that can help in eliminating the yeast infection. This essential oil contains carvacrol, which can effectively stop the growth of the yeast. In fact, carvacrol is one of the main ingredients of most prescribed treatments available for candidiasis.

Eating garlic can also minimize and eliminate yeast infection and its uncomfortable symptoms. Many medications and supplements on the market today contain garlic as one of their active ingredients since it contains anti-fungal properties! Crushed garlic and garlic capsules can be applied towards the infected area to kill the infection and minimize the symptoms.

STD’s are Different From Yeast Infection

STDs Differ from Yeast Infections

Many people commonly, yet mistakenly assume that a yeast infection is a form of sexually transmitted disease (STDs). While it may be true that yeast infestation may be caused by physical contact, that is not always the case. Everyone has yeast in the body, yet the body is able to control its growth and spread because of the immune system. Yeast infection is also known as candida infection or candidiasis. Yeast problems commonly appear in the mouth as oral thrush where it may develop and spread throughout if not treated properly. Candidiasis can happen if the immune system of the body is not strong enough to combat and control the growth of yeast. This is very common for those who are positive from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), a condition where the immune system becomes weak over time; in this case the yeast infection can be life threatening.STD's are Different From Yeast Infection

One type of yeast, Candida albicans, is the main cause of vaginitis.  On the other hand  trichomonas and gonorrhea, present among STD, can also cause vaginitis.  A common type of candida infection is vaginal candidiasis.  As mentioned, yeast infestation is fairly common — half of the population of healthy women has yeast in their body especially in the vagina area. In fact, 70 out of 100 women have suffered vaginitis at least once.

The Common Cause of Yeast Infection

Yeast in the body is not considered an infection unless there is an overgrowth that usually appears in the vagina area. Vaginal candidiasis causes inflammation, especially on the surface of the skin, a painful feeling during sexual activities, a burning sensation especially during and after urination, and in some severe cases a vaginal discharge.

For those suffering from urinary tract infection or respiratory tract infection on top of the preexisting yeast infection, the growth of yeast can increase since the usual medication prescribed for these conditions are third generation types which have immunosuppressive effects. Yeast overgrowth also happens to those who have gone through chemotherapy and cortisone medication because the immune systems of these people are affected as well. Pregnant individuals as well as those suffering from diabetes are also vulnerable to yeast infection.  Even though yeast infection is not an STD or sexually transmitted disease, men can have skin irritation if they have had any contact with a partner who has yeast infection. Most clinics diagnose the type and severity of a yeast infection through a microscopic examination of the actual samples such as, a skin patch or a cheese like discharge from the infected person.

Treating the Yeast Infection

Yeast is basically caused by uncontrolled growth of fungus in the body, and is commonly treated with antifungal treatments and medications. For mild cases of fungal or yeast infection, first generation treatments, such as low dosage creams and solutions, can be used and applied on the affected part of the body. High dose medications are required for those suffering from severe cases of yeast or fungal infection. This is common to those with a compromised immune system.

STD's are Different From Yeast InfectionMost of the time doctors recommend treatments with fluconazole. This is the most common form of antifungal treatment in the market, while some doctors feel more confident to recommend suppository drugs in treating such infections, especially for women. Suppository drugs tend to work more quickly when compared to oral medications, since they directly interact with the affected area such as the vagina or anus, while oral medications still need to be processed by the body to produce chemical reactions that promote antifungal treatment.

If candida colonies do not appear with inflammation, itchiness, and other complications, treatments are not necessary. Keep in mind that the presence of yeast in the body is normal, and in fact is needed by the body as part of its defense against foreign elements that may enter the body’s system. Treatment is only necessary if the number of yeast in the body increases beyond their normal and acceptable range.