FloraFemme Review

FloraFemme contains a number of dietary ingredients that will help cleanse and support the overall balance of healthy bacteria. An unhealthy balance often results in a yeast infection, or Candida. Candida is a group of microorganisms that live in your mouth and intestine. Left untreated, Candida will cause these people to suffer many uncomfortable symptoms from exhaustion and fatigue to brain fog and memory loss.

Still more will experience vaginal infections, jock itch, athlete’s foot, itchy skin and other digestive disorders. However, most of these symptoms can be reversed by taking nutritional supplements or altering diets.

FloraFemme Ingredients

• Lactobacillus Rhamnosus

• Lactobacillus Reuteri

• Lactobacillus Bulgaricus

Lactobacillus Brevis

• Lactobacillus Plantarum

• Lactobacillus Paracasei

• Lactobacillus Salicarius

• Lactobacillus Acidophilus

• Bifidobacterium Lactis

• Lactobacillus Casei

• Bifidobacterium Longum

Is This A Good Product For Me?

FloraFemme contains a number of dietary ingredients that will help cleanse and support the overall balance of healthy bacteria. Results will vary from person to person, depending on the severity and extent of the yeast imbalance, diet and general lifestyle.

Possible Side Effects

No side effects could be identified for this product. As always, with any medication, supplement or treatment, consult your doctor before use.

Suggested Use

Use one capsule for six consecutive nights, at bedtime.

FloraFemme Guarantee

This product does not offer a money-back guarantee.


Internet pricing may vary from website to website. At the time of writing this review this product was found at a price of $49.95 for 6 capsule.

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SeaGate Olive Vaginal Spray Review

Seagate Products Olive Vaginal Spray is an all-natural homeopathic medicine that can offer relief from a variety of vaginal irritations, both internal and external. Some of these irritations can be associated with yeast.

This product offers an alternative to the harsh chemicals found in many over-the-counter vaginal yeast medications.

SeaGate Olive Vaginal Spray Ingredients

The active homeopathic ingredients include: Borax 8x; Helonius 8x; Kreosotum 12x; and Platina 12x. These active homeopathics are in an oil base that contains olive oil and coconut oil, along with concentrated omega-3 fatty acids and natural vitamin E which provide excellent antimicrobial and antioxidant protection for the skin. Specific ingredient amounts are not otherwise provided in the product source.


This product is applied before going to bed at night and upon waking up in the morning for up to 10 days as needed. 2 or 3 sprays are applied for each use.The tapered tip allows for comfortable application. The sprayer provides a strong but comfortable squirt of product. The product can also be applied externally. The 1 oz. bottle delivers a measured dosage of 0.13 ml per spray, which provides an about a total of 200 sprays per bottle.

The sprayer tube can be washed in hot soapy water, dried and reused. An additional 10 replacement applicator tubes are contained in the product carton.


$14.95 for a 1 once bottle. The vendor claims that a 1 once bottle contains enough product for 200 sprays (enough for about 30 days). The product can be purchased on line and the vendor offers free shipping for large orders. The product can be purchased without a prescription.

SeaGate Olive Vaginal Spray Guarantee

The vendor offers a 30 day from date of purchase return policy for a full refund for unopened bottles. The product must be returned with a vendor supplied return authorization form (available on line). The vendor also offers a contact phone number and provides a mailing address.


This product is inexpensive enough that an interested purchaser is not taking a big risk to try the product out, especially if the 1 once supply in a single bottle is enough for up to a month as the vendor claims in the product source material. However, it still may be helpful to have a health services professional review product contents (particularly in view of the limited information on actual ingredient amounts) prior to purchase.

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Children and Yeast Infection

Children and Yeast Infection

It may sound a little cruel, but children or infants can get yeast infections, too. Unfortunately, babies cannot determine and complain about the infection and its symptoms. A yeast infection can spread further to other parts of the body or worsen if not spotted and treated right away. Therefore, it’s important to know the physical signs of yeast infection; they are:

Rectal or Genital Rashes appear frequently and repeatedly. For new parents, they may simply disregard the symptoms, but this should be treated right away after consulting a pediatrician.

Usual Skin Rashes are often mistaken as summertime rashes or effects of poison ivy.
The usual skin rashes often appear in the arm area, legs, and even the belly where moisture accumulates from the upper parts of the body.

White Growth on The Lips and Tongue is often mistaken as milk residue. New parents often have this misdiagnosed because the oral thrush can be easily eliminated after water or fruit juice is given to the baby. Though, these liquids may eliminate the thrush, they are not sufficient to prevent the yeast infestation from reoccurring.

Escalating and Reoccuring Skin Rashes that usually appear during the rainy season are an indication of yeast infection. But new parents often disregard these symptoms and think that these physical conditions are nothing but normal.

Children and Yeast InfectionRecurring Ear Infection can also be an indication that there is an overgrowth of yeast in the ear.  It is important to have a pediatrician check the ear condition right away in order to get the right treatment and prevent the spread of the infection inwards where it can cause greater damage to the ears. Simple ear yeast infection, doctors usually treat with ear drop medication, which contains antifungal chemicals.

Sugar-filled Food Cravings are not really unusual, especially for kids, but too much sugar can make the yeast grow faster and uncontrollably. This is why it is important to monitor the sugar intake of kids and even adults to make sure that it is not exceeding the daily intake allowance.

Headache is one of the symptoms of yeast infection as well, and children, especially infants, may not be able to tell their parents or guardians what they are really feeling. Nevertheless, if the infant shows any signs of discomfort, consult a pediatrician immediately to determine what is really going on.

It may seem odd but hyperactivity among children can also be a symptom of yeast overgrowth somewhere in the body. While children are normally active and playful, watch out for hyperactiviity beyond the normal level. Hyperactive disorders are pretty normal nowadays, especially with the kind of food that we have in the market.  In medicine, hyperactivity is usually treated with acceptable medications that alter the internal or natural cause, such as hormonal or chemical imbalances in the body.

Irritability is also common among children and even adults, but when it exceeds the normal frequency of mood swings, this may be an indication that something is wrong in the body, which includes yeast overgrowth.

Respiratory Problems like Stuffiness of the Nose, and Frequent Coughing are easily treated by common pharmaceutical medications, but these medications also contain chemicals or ingredients that affect the physiology of the body responsible for regulating the growth of foreign elements including yeast and fungi.

Children and Yeast InfectionThe medication used to treat asthma as well as ear infection antibiotics can also lead to yeast overgrowth, especially if used frequently. These types of medication include chemicals capable of eliminating natural enzymes in the body that help regulate the growth of yeast and fungi as part of the overall immune system.

This is especially true for children’s not fully developed immunity makes them vulnerable to candidiasis and all other yeast overgrowth complications. Daily food intake, nutrients, or diet are also considering factors for yeast infection. Keep in mind that such people, young or adult, with high sugar levels in the blood are more prone to yeast or fungal infection due to the fact that yeast feeds on sugar as well.

Sugar is like the fertilizer making them grow faster than usual. Feeding children with healthier choices of food, especially those that are less in carbohydrates and sugar, helps make sure that the yeast is maintained and controlled. Although it can be hard sometimes to prevent the kids from munching on the usual snacks like sweets, artificial or flavored juices, colas, and all other manufactured snacks in the market, parents should limit their intake of these. Educating kids about the consequences of eating too much unhealthy food helps, especially if done at an early age.  Doing this helps children understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle and diet in order to keep their body in good shape all the way.  Keeping the sugar down to an acceptable level of intake will ensure that good condition of the immune system particularly reducing the risk of developing diabetes.

Natrabio Candida Yeast Tablets Review

The Candida Yeast Tablets from Natrabio is a homeopathic treatment for minor ailments such as burning, discharge, and itching brought about by Candida Yeast. The product is made of natural ingredients which can treat Candida and prevent the bacteria from coming back.

The tablets dissolve quickly and is claimed to be one of the safest alternative treatment to vaginal infections because of its homeopathic nature.

The aim of the manufacturer, Natrabio, is to provide relief in the most natural way using only the safest ingredients.

Natrabio Candida Yeast Tablets Ingredients

The following are the ingredients of Natrabio’s Candida Yeast Tablets, as indicated in the product’s label:

Active Ingredients:

  • Baptisia tinctoria
  • Bryonia alba
  • Echinacea angustifolia
  • Eupatorium perfoliatum
  • Helonias dioica
  • Thuja occidentalis
  • Viscum album
  • Creosotum
  • Candida albicans
  • Candida parapsilosus

Inactive Ingredients:

  • Cellulose
  • Dextrose
  • Lactose
  • magnesium
  • strearate


Once the symptoms start to manifest, one tablet must be chewed and be dissolved naturally in the mouth. Repeat every two hours if the itching or any signs of discomfort doesn’t improve. If taken daily, schedule the tablets to be taken 4 times. This must be done in a continued manner for 2 complete menstrual cycles.


For 60 tablets, its original list price is at $8.49. buying the Candid

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Threelac for Candida Yeast Relief Review

Candida yeast problems have existed for a long time. This isn’t some kind of “new” health challenge. But for many decades the different health issues contributed by a candida yeast overgrowth were referred to by other names or there was no connection made with possible fungal overgrowth.

It’s only been in the last decade or so that many folks have figured out that a candida yeast overgrowth can potentially make someone very sick. Some folks suffer more than others, but no one wants to go through life not feeling their best.

Candida yeast can become a problem because of any of the following:

  • Too many carbohydrates in the diet,
  • While anti-biotics are a good thing, taking them too often can result in a candida yeast overgrowth.  Keep in mind that anti-biotics kill both good and bad bacteria, So after taking a round of anti-biotics the intestinal tract can end up with a shortage of good bacteria, which leaves the door open for a possible candida yeast problem.
  • Living in a warm, wet or humid climates.
  • Heredity may play a factor.  Quite often a candida yeast sufferer can remember a parent suffering too.  

MSWB Threelac for Candida Yeast Relief is a unique probiotic product to use to control Candida yeast growth. It contains 3 strains of live lactic acid bacteria that has helped thousands across the globe get their candida yeast related problems under control. Threelac isn’t like most other probiotics  on the store shelf because the strains of bacteria it contains are more aggressive when it comes to dealing with candida yeast related issues.

Threelac for Candida Yeast Relief Ingredients

  • Vitamin C – 75 mg,
  • Vitamin B6 – .4 mg,
  • Vitamin B1 – .4 mg,
  • Vitamin B2 – .4 mg.
  • Other ingredients: yeast powder, dietary fiber, lemon juice powder, canola oil, Beta Cyclodextrin, Erythritol.


1 packet daily before a meal.


 $49.95 for 60 packets (a 60 day supply) plus $5.95 shipping and handling. The product can be ordered on line.

Threelac for Candida Yeast Relief Guarantee

The product vendor offers a 60 day money back guarantee from date of purchase (for 1 box only however). The product source contains a customer service contact number as well as a number of product testimonial.


This product is expensive for a dietary supplement even though the product is shipped with a 60 day supply. The product source contained a customer service contact number as well as product testimonials as mentioned. However even though this product can be purchased without a prescription anyone considering making a purchase in light of the product cost  and the medical condition to be treated may want to have a health care professional review the product first.

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VeraFerm Product Review

This anti-fungal treatment has been chosen as the second best. It is a good product because the formula VeraFerm works by enhancing the immune system of the body in order to fight and control the growth of yeast.

App-Approved Candida End Review

Candida End has been considered to be the best and the most effective product when it comes to fighting the growth of yeast infection in the body.

The reason why this is considered to be very powerful is in the fact that this product possesses the perfect combination of the best non-competing prebiotics and probiotics.

They have known to help facilitate a suitable environment that will be enriched with oxygen meant to deter the production of yeast infection and other bacterial grown in the body.

App-Approved Candida End Ingredients

The following are considered to be the main ingredients for the aPP-aPProved | Candida End. Note that each of these ingredients has been proven to be geared towards ensuring the best condition and wellness for your stomach.

  • Bacillus Subtilis: It is capable of eating all known harmful microorganisms in the human that have been known to be harmful and dangerous for men.
  • Lactobacillus Helvecticus: It is a bacterium that produces lactic acid meant for yeast and other fungal infection.
  • Saccharomyces Boulardii: It is a beneficial yeast which is known to fight Candida Albicans.
  • Lactobacillus Rhamnosus: This is a bacteria which is capable to release substance that would be toxic for many pathogens in the body.


One should take between 1 to 4 capsules with preferably 8 oz of water preferably between meals. For best results, one must take 3 to 4 capsules on a daily basis.

Possible Side Effects

Fortunately, there has been no known bad side effects that were noted in this product.


This product is priced at $39.99 which is good for a 30 day supply. The retails price of which is $59.99. Thus, you will be able to save $20.00 for this.

App-Approved Candida End Guarantee

Unfortunately, there has been no stated return policies every time you order from this product.


Candida End contains only the most powerful enzymes so that it will be able to create the perfect condition to stop the production of yeast in the body. Not just that, it also good at removing any dead yeast and other bad bacteria including toxins that have already settled in the body.

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STD’s are Different From Yeast Infection

STDs Differ from Yeast Infections

Many people commonly, yet mistakenly assume that a yeast infection is a form of sexually transmitted disease (STDs). While it may be true that yeast infestation may be caused by physical contact, that is not always the case. Everyone has yeast in the body, yet the body is able to control its growth and spread because of the immune system. Yeast infection is also known as candida infection or candidiasis. Yeast problems commonly appear in the mouth as oral thrush where it may develop and spread throughout if not treated properly. Candidiasis can happen if the immune system of the body is not strong enough to combat and control the growth of yeast. This is very common for those who are positive from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), a condition where the immune system becomes weak over time; in this case the yeast infection can be life threatening.STD's are Different From Yeast Infection

One type of yeast, Candida albicans, is the main cause of vaginitis.  On the other hand  trichomonas and gonorrhea, present among STD, can also cause vaginitis.  A common type of candida infection is vaginal candidiasis.  As mentioned, yeast infestation is fairly common — half of the population of healthy women has yeast in their body especially in the vagina area. In fact, 70 out of 100 women have suffered vaginitis at least once.

The Common Cause of Yeast Infection

Yeast in the body is not considered an infection unless there is an overgrowth that usually appears in the vagina area. Vaginal candidiasis causes inflammation, especially on the surface of the skin, a painful feeling during sexual activities, a burning sensation especially during and after urination, and in some severe cases a vaginal discharge.

For those suffering from urinary tract infection or respiratory tract infection on top of the preexisting yeast infection, the growth of yeast can increase since the usual medication prescribed for these conditions are third generation types which have immunosuppressive effects. Yeast overgrowth also happens to those who have gone through chemotherapy and cortisone medication because the immune systems of these people are affected as well. Pregnant individuals as well as those suffering from diabetes are also vulnerable to yeast infection.  Even though yeast infection is not an STD or sexually transmitted disease, men can have skin irritation if they have had any contact with a partner who has yeast infection. Most clinics diagnose the type and severity of a yeast infection through a microscopic examination of the actual samples such as, a skin patch or a cheese like discharge from the infected person.

Treating the Yeast Infection

Yeast is basically caused by uncontrolled growth of fungus in the body, and is commonly treated with antifungal treatments and medications. For mild cases of fungal or yeast infection, first generation treatments, such as low dosage creams and solutions, can be used and applied on the affected part of the body. High dose medications are required for those suffering from severe cases of yeast or fungal infection. This is common to those with a compromised immune system.

STD's are Different From Yeast InfectionMost of the time doctors recommend treatments with fluconazole. This is the most common form of antifungal treatment in the market, while some doctors feel more confident to recommend suppository drugs in treating such infections, especially for women. Suppository drugs tend to work more quickly when compared to oral medications, since they directly interact with the affected area such as the vagina or anus, while oral medications still need to be processed by the body to produce chemical reactions that promote antifungal treatment.

If candida colonies do not appear with inflammation, itchiness, and other complications, treatments are not necessary. Keep in mind that the presence of yeast in the body is normal, and in fact is needed by the body as part of its defense against foreign elements that may enter the body’s system. Treatment is only necessary if the number of yeast in the body increases beyond their normal and acceptable range.

Yeast Away by Peak Health Care Products Inc. Review

Another supplement that we reviewed to determine its effectiveness against yeast infections is Yeast Away by Peak Health Care Products.

Not to be confused with YeastAway, which is a suppository, Yeast Away (with a space between the two words) comes in veg capsules that you have to take a couple of times in a day.

What Yeast Away By Peak Health Care Products Inc. Contains:

  • Cellulase enzymes
  • Lactobacillus acidophilus
  • Lactobacillus rhamnosus
  • Lactobacillus casei
  • Other ingredients include plant cellulose, water, inulin, silicon dioxide and stearic acid

Recommended Daily Dosage

Recommended dosage for this supplement is 2 capsules before breakfast and another two at bedtime. Do this for one to two months. After that, you can take 2 capsules per day before bedtime for maintenance.

For children under the age of 4, they can take half a capsule twice per day.

Yeast Away By Peak Health Care Products Inc. Price

Yeast Away comes in a bottle of 48 capsules or 120 capsules. It is advised that you buy the bottle of 48 capsules if you have simple yeast infections, and buy the bottle of 120 capsules if you have systemic yeast infections. One bottle of 48 veg capsules costs $23.95 while 120 capsules cost $52.95. You’ll basically be spending 2 dollars per day to treat yeast infections and a dollar per day after a few months for maintenance.

Before Using The Product…

Take note that Yeast Away has not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. It is advised that you consult a health care professional first before taking this supplement.


What makes Yeast Away effective is due to its ingredient that degrades the cellular structure of Candida. This allows better control of Candida overgrowth and treat related infections.

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CandAid Advanced Nutrition by Zahler Review

One of the most problematic illnesses of women is yeast infection, specifically Candidiasis. Candidiasis is an infection caused by Candida albicans, wherein if it is present in unhealthy levels it can cause jock itch, athlete’s foot, nappy rash, oral and vaginal thrush. The cause of Candidiasis may be due to stress, poor hygiene and diet, oral contraceptive and antibiotic use, hormonal imbalance, and an unhealthy immune system.

We looked for a positive solution to Candidiasis and we took Zahler’s CandAid Candidiasis (Yeast Infection) Control on a trial run. These are the things you need to know about the product:

What CandAid Advanced Nutrition By Zahler Contains:

  • Caprylic Acid
  • Grapefruit Seed Extract
  • Oregano Powder
  • Garlic Powder
  • Magnesium Stearate
  • Rice Flour

Recommended Daily Use

It is recommended that you take 1 capsule three times a day with meals.


The retail price of this product at the moment is only $34.42. This is 35% savings from its previous price of $52.95. One bottle contains 90 capsules, which basically makes it seem like you are just spending one dollar per day to treat yeast infections.

What More Can You Expect From This Product

This supplement helps you maintain a healthy immune system and energy levels. It is also high in antioxidants which protect your body from free radicals. To make the most out of this supplement, it is recommended that you consult your nutritionist in order to prescribe you with the right formula and diet.

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